
Dating A Ghanaian Man Living In The Usa

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  3. Ghanaian Dating Culture
  4. Dating A Ghanaian Man Living In The Usa Now
  5. Living In The Usa Lyrics Chuck Berry

Indian men are a unique breed. Yes, there are several clichés you get to hear about Indian men, and though most of them are true, you can never quite understand them fully. Dating Indian men, on the other hand, is a whole different story. Tricky and dangerous at the same time, here are 20 things you must know about dating an Indian man.
1. The looks: When it comes to Indian men, it is hard to differentiate between a glance and a venereal stare. What's more, their eyes are talented enough to scan a female body within microseconds. Inherently faulty eyeballs?

2. The wooing: Can someone please correct the definition of wooing for these men? Just for the record, wooing does not involve cat-calling, ‘that’ creepy smile or talking in a way that makes it so obvious that our breasts are all that's on your mind!

Often misinterpreted to mean that African Americans as individuals are considered three-fifths of a person or that they are three-fifths of a citizen of the U.S., the three-fifths clause (Article I, Section 2, of the U.S. Constitution of 1787) in fact declared that for purposes Read MoreThe Three-Fifths Clause of the United States Constitution (1787). You can work Abroad and live your best life at home - Ghanaian man living abroad advises. 80-year-old London-based Ghanaian, Mustapha Bushira, has advised young Ghanaians to only work abroad. Marriage rites in Ghana is usually constructed around the customs of the ethnic group in which the couple live. In essence what we are saying here is that marriage in Ghana is a union between man and a woman which is recognized by both families irrespective of how extensive they are.

3. The not-to-smooth moves: We wish Indian men would buy themselves Dating for Dummies already! Keeping us waiting at a bus/metro stop, bringing their friends along for support, ordering for us and going dutch definitely don't make them dating material. And just because we went on a date, doesn’t mean we've devoted our lives to being subservient to your feelings and choices!

4. The unrealistic expectations: Yes, we went on a date with you. Yes, we enjoyed your company. No, it is not all right to presume that we will sleep with you, marry you and produce offspring for you.

5. False notions: Men tend to generalise women. We have a tattoo, enjoy a drink or two and hang out with your friends, so we must definitely be ‘easy,’ right? Honestly, we don’t know where you got your education, but you need to go back for some common sense.

Citizens should be alert to attempts at fraud by persons who profess friendship or romantic interest over the Internet, especially those claiming to be U.S. Citizens living, traveling or serving in the U.S. Military in Ghana. Correspondents’ quick transition to discussion of intimate matters could be an indicator of. With your Ghanaian date, that won’t be a problem anymore, even if you aren’t actually Ghanaian or even married to one. You’ll be referred to as ‘husband’ or ‘wife’ and even if it can be proved otherwise, your Ghanaians date is bound to put his or her foot down and sweet-talk their way to a reduced fee, or even get you in for free.

6. The talks: 'It is not a relationship baby, it’s ‘so’ much more than that.' This one is for the oversmart Indian men. Sure, why don’t you keep believing that we women are stupid enough to believe all the incessant banter that comes out of your mouth?

7. The 'prince' treatment: Your parents treat you like a prince. Well, guess what. You are not even close!

8. His mother: Nothing and no one ever supercedes the Indian mother. We might be the prettiest, talented, richest, kindest people on the planet but we have to be approved by ‘mumma’ first!

9. The smell: Indian men think that body odour is acceptable. Hence, they do a great job at slaying everything in their wake. If we placed smelly Indian men in a war zone, the enemy would automatically surrender before they die from the toxic fumes.

10. The clothing: It is a given fact that Indian men are among the laziest creatures on the planet. Wearing the same clothes day after day gives is plain disgusting. To add to our misery, most of them also recycle their underwear by wearing them inside out. Puke face.
11. The spitting and pissing syndrome: We've seen men stop their cars in the middle of rush hour traffic, open their fly, pull out their appendage and piss on the road in full public view. Honestly, are they expecting a standing ovation?

12. Etiquette: Opening doors, dropping us home, waiting till we're dressed... are things Indian men are still to learn. And just so you know, you'd be foolish to expect a 'Please' or 'Thank You.'
13. Sex: Coming from the land of Kama Sutra, we are ashamed to admit that Indian men know nothing about the female body, let alone are aware of what to do in bed. Unfortunately for them, we are not porn stars and that's not how we like to have sex!

Dating a ghanaian man living in the usa now

14. Anti-friends: Why are they always scared of meeting our friends? Is it insecurity, ego issues or an inferiority complex? Be a man and face the fact that we have a life and it's okay to be involved in it.
15. The possessiveness: Do not meet your friends, do not go that place, do not work in that office, do not eat that. Who the heck do they think they are? We really don't need two dads.

16. His caste: You're both not the same caste, so it's not working out? Sure! So why doesn’t he quit breathing the same air too? What, are we living in the 1800s?
17. His background: Just because his father can afford a luxury car doesn’t give him the right to have any girl that catches his fancy.

18. Other options: They are with you, but they still have the right to ogle at women passing by. Venereal stares are forgivable according to Indian men. So are sexual innuendos. Unless they are acted upon. Pfft!

19. The ego: Studies have shown that larger the ego, smaller the appendage. In fact, studies also show that men who honk a lot are sexually frustrated beings. Now you know.

20. Arranged marriages: You will never be the one he marries because after all mommy insists on an arrange marriage for her prince. Love, feelings, freedom of choice and thought really don’t matter!

Written by Pakhee Malhotra

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Dating someone froma different culture can be a fun adventure and when your significant other is aJamaican man you’re in for a treat. Though dating a Jamaican man comes withcertain preconceived notions, it’s important to understand that everyone is differentand you can’t make assumptions based on stereotypes.

Jamaican men are alot of fun. They’re known for their joie de vivre and they like to have a goodtime. They’re also known for being outrageous flirts and some Jamaican menbelieve that cheating is ok.

When navigating the complex world that is dating, it’s important to arm yourself with as much information as possible. Be open and honest in your communication, and if you and your new partner can express what you’re feeling to each other your relationship will be a healthy one.

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Thingsto Know

Jamaican men are known for living up to many of the stereotypes that surround them. From cheating to being family men, sometimes these stereotypes are contradictory. That doesn’t make them any less real.

When it comes tocultural differences, just because it’s something that a Jamaican man doesn’tdo doesn’t mean that it’s not something he won’t do after you express how youfeel about it. Jamaican men love their families, and they love their moms.

As we go through the list of pros and cons it’s important to note that not all Jamaican men fall into these categories, but if you’re not careful you might not realize there’s a problem until it happens. Communication really is key.

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Here are our recommendations:

Pros of Dating a Jamaican Man


Jamaican men love their families. They are mama’s boys at heart and Mom’s opinion will always be the most important thing for him. Win his mother over and you will win him over.

A Jamaican man mightnot be looking to settle down right way, but when he does he settles down andwants a family. His family is everything, and having family around wheneverpossible is something that’s very important.


Jamaican men areknown for being very dominant in the bedroom. They’re very masculine and theirraw masculinity dictates that they’re the ones making all the moves when itcomes to sex. They like women who allow them this opportunity, because it’swhat makes them happiest.

Women who like toexert a little control in the bedroom might find this challenging, as their Jamaicanboyfriends won’t want to give up any control at all. But for women who like tolet their men take over, you can’t miss with a Jamaican man.


Food plays animportant role in a Jamaican man’s life. He will have grown up with home cookedmeals from his mother, so he’ll expect the same in a relationship. He’s not oneto go grab fast food, though staying in and ordering a gourmet takeout mealisn’t out of the question.

Some Jamaican menenjoy cooking, but even if they’re excellent cooks they will expect their womento cook as well. This can be challenging for the professional woman who worksall day.

However, for couplesthat love cooking (and eating) together, dating a Jamaican man could be theperfect recipe.

Cons of Dating a Jamaican Man

TheyLove to Flirt

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It’s no secret that Jamaican men are some of the more personable people on the planet. They’re always smiling, always warm and affectionate and they love people. They also love flirting.

Flirting is usuallyharmless, but if you’re not comfortable with your man flirting with all thepretty ladies he sees, then this might be a big problem for your relationship.

Living In The Usa Lyrics

And this could alsolead to other problems.


The problem withJamaican men who flirt with everyone is that some Jamaican men believe thatbeing monogamous isn’t for them. They cheat, not because they’re unhappy withyour relationship but because they want to be with multiple women at the sametime.

For these men it’spartly cultural, as it’s

NoOral Sex

Jamaican men loveoral sex, but for them it only goes one way. They love when a woman gives it tothem, and some men believe they are entitled to it. However, for many Jamaicanmen it’s a one way street.

Jamaican men arewell-known for not giving oral sex to their partners. It’s not even open fordiscussion. They simply won’t do it. Some men see oral sex as something thatmakes them lesser men, while others think it’s just plain gross. But make nomistake about it – though they might not want to do it for a woman they fullyexpect that their women do it for them.

Talk about yourdouble standards.

Living In The Usa Song

It’s such awidespread phenomenon that it’s something that could tear a relationship apart.While many women can probably go without oral sex, it’s more upsetting to beexpected to perform the act for their boyfriends when their boyfriends won’t doit for them.

Ghanaian Dating Culture

This is a big onefor a lot of people, so make sure you’re absolutely clear on where yourJamaican man stands on the issue, and how you feel about it, before getting tooinvolved.

Dating A Ghanaian Man Living In The Usa Now

TheBottom Line

Living In The Usa Lyrics Chuck Berry

You never want to assume that someone is a certain way just because of a stereotype. Cultural stereotypes are dangerous for that very reason. At the same time, though, stereotypes are often based on real information. Jamaican men are lots of fun and their exuberance for life and love of family makes them ideal partners. However it’s important to understand that for some Jamaican men, things like flirting and cheating are what they know. If you’re in an open relationship it’s one thing, but definitely make sure that you’re both on the same page when it comes to the state of your relationship. As with any relationship, the more you talk to each other, the better off things will be overall.

Make sure to also read about common Jamaican dating scams.